We are participating as a partner in Erasmus+ KA2 project „Build a more inclusive society supporting ECECeducators for the development of socio emotional competences in pre-school children“ (project number (2019-1-IS01-KA201-051137). Project duration 1.12.2020-30.11.2022. Project coordinator is the University of Iceland, School of Education Stofnun. Project budget is 292 568 euros. Kindergarten Pallipõnn’s budget is 25540 euros. Project partners are: CU PROGRAM PRELUNGIT NR 25 from Iasi, Rumenia; SCOLA EMPIRICA from Prague, Czech Republic, OPERA NAZIONALE MONTESSORI from Rome, Italy; NATSIONALNA ASOTSIATSIA NA RESURSNITE UCHITELI from Sofia, Bulgaria; HEISULEIKSKOLINN KROKUR from Grindavik, Iceland; FINANCE & BANKING, ASSOCIAZIONE PER LO SVILUPPO ORGANIZZATIVO EDELLE RISORSE UMANE from Rome, Italy.
The main aim of the project is to boost quality of ECEC educators’ professional profile for a successful development of SEC for pre-school children to help them fostering awareness in relation to equality and diversity, handling a good transition from different levels and types of education and to better seize the professional opportunities and choose their own path in the labor market since an early age.
The main results expected within the project will be:
Compendium of good practices in teaching socio emotional competences in early childhood education and care - ECEC (age 0-6) - Methodology and key criteria to select and compare information and existing practices in teaching socio-emotional competences in early childhood education - Examples of good practices selected and collected - Report indicating the main socio emotional competences to develop in children (0-6 years) identifying practical challenges and recommendations (one report/country) (information gathered from both early childhood educators and primary school teachers) - Report indicating the most relevant skills and competences educators need in order to proovide socio emotional competences in early childhood education also highlighting practical challenges and recommendations (one report/country) - Comprehensive report on the necessary socio emotional competences to develop in ECEC (one EU report) - Compendium of good practices
BE-CHILD Educational toolkit
- Methodology and tools for the definition of the toolkit - Design and development of the educational toolkit - Good practices, experimental tools, learning and playful activities (indoor and outdoor) identified and collected - Practical guidelines for toolkit implementing - Learning/training sessions: two face to face in Italy and Estonia and two online - National pedagogical videos production (recording plus editing) - Report on further recommendations for the final fine-tuning of BE-CHILD toolkit